International Adoption

More Than 140 Million Vulnerable Children Need Help
There is a global crisis that is spreading at an alarming rate. It pays no attention to location or nationality. And it cannot be solved by humanitarian aid alone.
More than 140 million children have no one to call “family” and no place to call “safe.” They need a caring family, loving support, and the only cure that is eternal — a relationship with Christ.
We know adoption is one of the ways God places children into forever families, but it is not the only solution to the orphan crisis. Of the more than 140 million children, less than .5% will ever be adopted.
The need is great. We look forward to walking with you as you discern God’s call on your life to care for the vulnerable.

Where We Serve
Country: Philippines
Ages Eligible for Adoption: 6-15
Sibling Groups: yes
Needs: moderate to complex medical needs
This is a brand new adoption program for Lifeline, though intercountry adoptions have taken place in the Philippines for over 50 years. The Philippines allows families the opportunity to pursue children available for adoption between ages 6 and 15. We anticipate children with moderate to complex special needs and sibling groups to be made available for adoption. Matches are made by the supervisory personnel in the Central Authority. The Philippines Adoption Central Authority is the National Authority for Child Care (NACC).
Country: Macedonia
Ages Eligible for Adoption: 1-18 years old
Sibling Groups: Yes
Needs: Healthy to Significant
Lifeline has had an adoption program in Macedonia since January of 2015 and have recently relaunch the program in February of 2023! North Macedonia allows families the opportunity to pursue children available for adoption between ages of 1 year and 18 years. We anticipate children who are older with minor to moderate and significant special needs to be made available for adoption.
Country: Peru
Ages Eligible for Adoption: 2-18 years old
Sibling Groups: Yes
Needs: minor to significant
Many of Peru’s children live in poverty, which generates some of the country’s biggest issues, including children withdrawing from school to find work, the likelihood of malnourishment and the probability of being swept into life on the streets.
Country: Kyrgyzstan
Ages Eligible for Adoption: 6 years and older
Sibling Groups: Yes
Needs: Moderate to Significant
Lifeline has had an adoption program in Kyrgyzstan since May 2014 and has had a very strong and positive start in this adoption program. Kyrgyzstan allows families the opportunity to pursue adoption of children with significant medical and developmental special needs as well as children with more minor special needs. Lifeline’s Kyrgyzstan team has developed strong relationships with the Ministry of Social Development.
Country: Haiti
Ages Eligible for Adoption: 4-16 years old
Sibling Groups: Yes
Needs: minor to significant
Lifeline has been working in Haiti since 2010 to facilitate adoptions from this country. We partner with the central authority, IBESR and our wonderful in-country representative and have seen over 60 kids come home since 2010. While Haiti is the poorest country in the western hemisphere and has endured natural disasters and political unrest, the Haitian people remain warm and welcoming, with a deep love for family and community.
Country: Colombia
Ages Eligible for Adoption: 0-18 Years Old
Sibling Groups: Yes
Needs: Minor to Significant
Lifeline has had an adoption program in Colombia since 2011. This is one of Lifeline’s largest and most stable programs in international adoption. We have a positive relationship with the central adoption authority (ICBF), which is in favor of international adoption. Colombia is an excellent program for families open to children of all ages with medical needs, sibling groups, or older children. Children in Colombia are typically of Latino, Indigenous, European, or Afro-Colombian descent.
Country: Dominican Republic
Ages Eligible for Adoption: 0 – 18 years old
Sibling Groups: Yes
Needs: Minor to Significant
The Dominican Republic has one of the largest economies in the Caribbean and Central American region, and it is known for its great biological diversity and great tourist attractions. Tourists come from all over to the world to partake in activities such as: scuba diving, snorkeling, golf, surfing, and deep sea fishing. Nevertheless, despite all the country has to offer, the DR still has various social issues that have resulted in many children needing forever families.
Country: Romania
Ages Eligible for Adoption: 5-18 years old
Sibling Groups: Yes, occasionally
Lifeline has had an adoption program in Romania since 2013 and works very closely with the National Authority for the Protection of the Child’s Rights, which is the central authority of adoption in the country of Romania. Lifeline has a positive relationship with the National Authority. The most important qualification to adopt from Romania is that one parent must be a Romanian citizen, proven by passport and/or identity card.
Country: Taiwan
Ages Eligible for Adoption: 1-14 years old
Sibling Groups: Yes
Needs: Minor to Significant
Taiwan is a small country; however, it is not immune to the orphan crisis. We are honored to work with a wonderful partner agency in Taiwan, Cathwel Services, who provides excellent care to waiting children. Birth families are often actively involved in the matching process, which gives adoptive families a unique opportunity to minister to a birth family who lives oceans away.
Country: China
Ages Eligible for Adoption: 2-16 years old
Sibling Groups: No
Needs: minor to significant
Lifeline has had an adoption program in China since 2000 and maintains a positive relationship with the CCCWA, working with orphanages all over the country. China allows families the opportunity to pursue the adoption of children with minor to significant medical and developmental special needs. Historically, China has been Lifeline’s largest international adoption program.
Country: Brazil
Ages Eligible for Adoption: 2-18 years old
Sibling Groups: Yes
Needs: Minor to Significant
Brazil is a large, beautiful country in South America. It is incredibly diverse, both geography and ethnically. It is divided into many regions and is overseen by a federal government, just like in the United States. This program is a great fit for families open to adopting large sibling groups, older children or children with moderate to significant medical special needs.
Country: Poland
Ages Eligible for Adoption: 3 – 18 years old
Needs: minor to significant
Lifeline has had an adoption program in Poland since 2012 and maintains a positive relationship with the National Adoption Center, working with orphanages all over the country. Poland allows families the opportunity to pursue the adoption of children with minor to significant medical and developmental special needs. Overall, the Polish authorities are in favor of U.S. citizens adopting Polish children, and are very supportive and helpful during the adoption process. Poland is one of Lifeline’s most active adoption programs in Eurasia.
Country: Costa Rica
Ages Eligible for Adoption: 2-18 years old
Sibling Groups: Yes
Needs: Minor to Significant
Lifeline has had an adoption program in Costa Rica since 2011 and are the longest licensed U.S. adoption agency. In that time we have seen over 100 children come home! We have a positive relationship with the central adoption authority. Costa Rica is an excellent program for families open to children 7+ years old, sibling groups, or children with more significant medical needs.
Country: Ukraine
Ages Eligible for Adoption: 5-18 years old
Sibling Groups: Yes, common
Needs: Minor to Significant
Ukraine is a beautiful country with a distinct culture and abundant history in Eastern Europe. With a population of over 40 million people and its significant size, there are plenty of opportunities to serve this unique country. Lifeline has been supporting missional families through international adoption and our (un)adopted partnerships for decades.
Country: Hong Kong
Ages Eligible for Adoption: 1-14 years old
Sibling Groups: Not common
Needs: Minor to Significant
Hong Kong is a Special Administrative State of the Republic of China. Approximately 7 million people inhabit the densely populated region. Hong Kong is known to be a melting pot of numerous cultures including Chinese, British, Vietnamese, Americans and various other ethnic groups. Mother’s Choice, our partner agency in Hong Kong, leads with excellence to advocate and care for waiting children, well.
Country: Hungary
Ages Eligible for Adoption: 4 years and older
Sibling Groups: Yes
Needs: Minor to Moderate
Hungary allows families the opportunity to pursue adoption of children with minor medical and developmental special needs. Our on the ground team has more than 20 years of experience with adoption in Hungary. Hungary has a strong foster care system, so the majority of children are adopted out of foster homes.
Country: Bulgaria
Ages Eligible for Adoption: 2 and older
Sibling Groups: Yes
Needs: Moderate to Significant
Lifeline has had an adoption program in Bulgaria since 2010. Bulgaria allows families the opportunity to pursue adoption of children with Down syndrome, minor to significant medical special needs and developmental delay. This country offers a well-defined, consistent adoption process. Children in Bulgaria are typically of Bulgarian, Turkish, and Roma descent.
Country: India
Ages Eligible for Adoption: 12 Months – 16 Years Old
Sibling Groups: Yes
Needs: Moderate to Significant
There are at least 20 million orphaned and vulnerable children in India, the second-most populous country in the world. Located in South Asia, India’s population is about 82% Hindu, 14% Islamic, 2% Christian and 2% Sikh.
Country: Honduras
Ages Eligible for Adoption: 2-18 years old
Accepting Applications: No
Sibling Groups: Yes
Needs: minor to significant
Honduras is a country with a population of more than eight million people. The warm Honduran culture prides itself on kindness and hospitality to others. Festivals, carnivals, and other special celebrations are an important part of Honduran culture, many of which are religious in nature. Children with and without special needs are eligible for adoption within this beautiful country. At Lifeline, we are ready to assist you in your adoption journey.
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How to Get Started
We encourage families to set aside intentional time to pray through how God would lead your family.
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Once you feel affirmed in moving forward, connect with a specialist to get all of your questions answered.
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This non-committal, 5-minute application helps us get to know you, your interests, and your desires as you search for the right agency.
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How to Fund Your Adoption
One of the biggest hesitations families express as they approach adoption is the financial cost. Lifeline is here to support you as you take the next step in faith. About 80% of the families we serve receive financial assistance to aid the completion of their process through scholarships, grants, and loans. Download our free How to Fund Your Adoption eBook for helpful tips as you begin your adoption process.
Answers to International Adoption Questions
Answers to Your Questions About International Adoption
We understand you have questions about who we are and what we can do. Please browse through the questions we have below to find answers to the questions we get asked most frequently.