Hear from Families Who Have Adopted Domestically and Internationally through Lifeline
Click on any of our testimonials below to hear from parents and families on their adoption story, experience, and outlook as they have travelled their journey with Lifeline.

The Gray Family
“Would he be treated the same way and with the same love?” That thought ran through Jason Gray’s mind as he wondered how his family would react to the infant son that would soon join Jason and Shereta Gray’s family through adoption.

The Lowe Family
Working with Lifeline we never felt like we were trying to figure things out on our own. They were always there to answer questions and support us. Lifeline was there to assist at each step.

The Godin Family
Our son came home during Thanksgiving week of 2014. He is a blessing and a joy to our family. We are eternally grateful for Lifeline’s expertise in expat adoptions and for their help in bringing our son home.

The Doblin Family
My wife and I whole-heartedly recommend Lifeline Children’s Services to any individual or family who is looking to begin the adoption process. Many thanks, again, to Lifeline for helping to bring our son Elisha to his forever family.

The Dobelstein Family
Lifeline’s post adoption team walked with us through every moment. There were several days when a conversation with our post adoption caseworker was what helped us stay encouraged and press on in helping our daughter rather than breaking under emotional stress.

The Ross Family
Crossings is so important because it helps prepare families to parent children from hard places. These children have so much trauma and hurt in their past and often do not respond well to “typical parenting.”

The Coghlan Family
As God moved, He brought the Coghlans’ hearts together through the power of the gospel. God revealed to Chris that adoption was a beautiful picture of a believer’s adoption into God’s family, and his understanding of the gospel birthed a desire to adopt. Soon, they began the process to grow their family through domestic adoption with Lifeline.

David and Heather Platt
Lifeline has been such an intricate part of our family. We believe wholeheartedly in the work of Lifeline and what the Lord is doing in and through this agency. We are grateful for the loving social workers and staff that labor long hours to bring families together and be the hands and feet of Christ to the orphan.

The Rosenthal Family
The wonderful people at Lifeline never pressured, never over-promised, and were always there to answer questions. They prayed with us! Lifeline spelled out, well in advance, all the steps we would need to take.

The Clement Family
After spending several years trying to adopt from another country, we were informed by our friends at Lifeline about new adoption opportunities coming available in Poland. In fact, only a few weeks after starting to pray about changing to Poland, we received an email from Lifeline with the biography of three beautiful children that needed a forever home.