Church Ministries
As you and your church find ways to care for the vulnerable around you, Lifeline is here to resource you with trainings, ministry platforms, and educational pieces on orphan care.
“The gospel of Christ shows believers that we are not the rescuers of these children – we are the rescued. We have so lavishly been loved by Christ in our despair and rescued from our sin. As a result, we are compelled to care for the orphan, the widow, the poor, the needy, and the alien.”
— Herbie Newell,
President & Executive Director
At Lifeline, we hold high the truth that the Church is “Plan A” for glorifying God, making disciples, and spreading His name to the nations. We seek to come alongside local congregations to resource them with all they need to proclaim the gospel through care for the orphaned and vulnerable around them, and around the world.
Whether it be through adoption, foster care, orphan care, or family restoration, our mission is accomplished when we help churches live out James 1:27.
Resources for Your Church
Ways to Support Those in Your Church
These resources are specifically built for your church, equipping you to care for the vulnerable around you.
Fostering Hope
Equipped to Love
Families Count
Heritage Builders
Harbor Families
CEUs & Trainings
Adoption Info Meetings
Worthy Curriculum
Global Orphan Care
Being pro-life means not only do we see abortion as a murder, but we also see our apathy against injustice outside of the womb as a co-conspirator in the fight for life.
Know OrphansIn this provocative follow-up to “Orphanology,” this book provides the framework for families and churches to have a gospel-centered response to the growing global issue of orphan care.
OrphanologyThe book unveils the grassroots movement that’s engaged in a comprehensive response to serve millions of orphans and “functionally parentless” children.
All In Orphan CareDesigned to prepare and equip those who are exploring the call to foster care, adoption, or some aspect of supporting families.
Adopted for LifeGod’s decision to adopt sinful men and women into His family stands at the heart of Christianity. In light of this, Christians’ efforts to adopt beautifully illustrate the truth of the gospel.