Our God Is a God of Restoration
How Families Count Can Help You In Your Journey of Restoration
A family restoration and preservation ministry for parents seeking permanency with their children.
The median amount of time a child spends in foster care is just over one year. We know through research statistics that a child who grows up without a stable home environment and without parents is more likely to have negative socio-economic, cognitive, and academic outcomes.
We also know God designed the family unit as a place of healing and safety for children. And a broken family needs the support, healing, mercy, and guidance from God’s people.
Through Families Count, local churches have a platform to minister to and walk with broken families to help them be restored and preserved.
In South Carolina, Casey and Brittany were in a rough home situation. The South Carolina Department of Social Services intervened and took their children while Casey was at work. For mom and dad, it was a dark time — filled with shame and feelings of failure. But they were given the opportunity to participate in Lifeline’s Families Count for one of their court-mandated parenting classes. Hosted by Freedom Church in Moncks Corner, the class ended up being a place of safety for the couple where they could openly talk about how they could improve their lives. Over the weeks, their marriage strengthened. Walls were torn down as they received the care and community they so desperately needed. As the class came to an end, the couple regained full custody of their children and began attending Freedom Church — making it their first home church ever.
Find An Event Near You6-week biblically-based parenting class
Curriculum focuses on family strengths and purpose
Opportunities for families to be matched with a mentor
How Families Count Can Help You In Your Journey of Restoration
This training is a prerequisite for licensure as a Families Count church partner. It is recommended that class co-leaders (husband and wife), class coordinators, and Pastor overseeing your Families Count ministry attend the training.
Co-Leaders and Coordinators must attend in order to be certified.
A 10-minute video orientation is required before participation in a church training. Access the video orientation here!
If you or your church wants to get involved in this life-changing work, but you aren’t sure where to start, reach out to us today. We’re ready to help you and your family of faith minister to those hurting in your community.