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Engage Your Church
Lifeline believes that God’s plan for getting the gospel to vulnerable children and families is through the work of His church. We’re here to support and equip your local church as you discern how the Lord is leading you to demonstrate His character and care.
It’s Time To Wake Up and Go
God has promised to provide for the needs of the fatherless and vulnerable. What a joy it is that we get to be the means by which He keeps His word.
One of Lifeline’s Core Values is that we are “local church-centered.” We are passionate about helping churches understand the needs of the vulnerable in their community and around the world. As the church recognizes the Biblical call to meet these needs, we help provide opportunities for Christ followers to practically engage in service to those who need it most. Our team loves coming alongside church leaders to help them strategize how to best incorporate this type of ministry into the culture of their church family in a way that both recognizes and celebrates ministry to the vulnerable while providing gracious opportunities for church members to engage as the Lord leads.
Participating Churches
Involved Denominations
Children Helped
Where the Church Fits

We believe the Church is “Plan A” for glorifying God, making disciples, and spreading His name to the nations. Throughout the narrative of Scripture, God consistently commands His people to care for the vulnerable as a way of demonstrating His character and His gospel to the world.
Whether through adoption, foster care, orphan care, or family restoration, Lifeline’s mission is accomplished when we help churches live out James 1:27 in their communities and to the ends of the earth.
Create Awareness. Spark Movement.
Lead your church to take gospel hope to vulnerable children
through our Initiatives and Ministries.
Help Your Church Find The Next Steps
As you or your church discuss the idea of “orphan care” and what that means to your faith family, we’re here to talk. Let us walk through your options with you and help you find the right fit for you, your family, and your church.