of all Foster Families
Close their homes within the first year of fostering often due to a lack of training
Will age out of an orphanage every day and more than half will be trafficked or incarcerated.
Orphaned & Vulnerable
Children and only 0.5% of those will ever find permanency through adoption.
Consider Adoption
Fewer than 1% of women in unexpected pregnancies consider adoption, but many more consider it when it is presented well through education resources.
Moving from brokenness to wholeness through gospel-centric care
Through our online courses, you will be educated, equipped, and empowered in many ways.
As a parent, you will be equipped with training that equips you to love and disciple your foster or adoptive child coming from a background of trauma, loss, or neglect. You will receive cutting-edge techniques filtered through a Biblical worldview as you raise your child. Lifeline’s goal is to empower and support a family over a lifetime with valuable education – from placement, to post-placement, to permanency.
As a caregiver, orphanage director, or church partner, you will be equipped to implement gospel-centric care to vulnerable children. You will be provided with holistic education that includes job and life skill training geared toward the vulnerable child and teenager that never will be eligible for adoption into a loving family. Caregivers can equip the children in their orphanages and communities with these trainings to help guide them into a future untouched by trafficking or crime.
As a church, you will be encouraged to understand and serve the needs of the vulnerable in your community and around the world.
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