Connecting churches to the needs of vulnerable children and families in their community
(Currently active in the Birmingham, AL and Jackson, MS areas)

Sign-Up Today

CarePortal is a technology platform designed to connect churches and community partners to families in their community. Lifeline offers CarePortal to partner churches for meeting tangible needs and developing opportunities for relationships and gospel conversations with families near them.

How CarePortal Works

The Need

A child or family in need requires help from a child-serving professional

Need Added

The child-serving professional vets and enters the needs into CarePortal

Alert and Notify

CarePortal alerts nearby churches and community members to the need

Need is Met

Churches and community members partner to ensure that needs are met and the child or family is served

Connect Your Church:

Sign Up

The CarePortal platform instantly connects your church to the urgent, real-time needs of vulnerable children and families in your community. Meeting needs such as providing a bed, car seat, rent assistance, and more, can provide critical and immediate relief to help restore a family back to a strong and healthy state. This also provides opportunities for your church to share gospel hope. Your church can help transform your community by connecting with Lifeline and CarePortal today!

Connect Your Agency:

Sign Up

Child Protective Services, Pregnancy Resource Centers, schools, etc. all encounter families in crisis. Through CarePortal, these types of agencies can enter vetted needs for churches and community organizations to help fulfill. 

Are you looking for a way to make a positive impact in a child’s life? You can make a difference – right here, right now – by responding to a need on CarePortal.

For more information, contact us at [email protected]