Let us partner with you to help further the gospel to the vulnerable.

James 1:27 is clear in its call for the believer to care for the orphaned and vulnerable child. 

We know that as Christians, we have all been adopted by our Heavenly Father. Adoption is a beautiful picture of the gospel on earth that points us back toward Christ. In Psalm 68, David tells us that God sets the lonely in families. We want the children we serve to have forever families, but more than that, we want them to know the truth of the gospel. 

Our focus remains on an eternity with Christ for the child and the parent, and we believe a gospel-centered family is an amazing window to their salvation. Our desire is to come alongside Christian missional families with resources they will need to find and nurture their children, as they become disciples who make disciples.

North Carolina Services
North Carolina Services
A few ways Lifeline serves North Carolina and North Carolina Churches. Find out how you can engage with Lifeline today!

We desire to walk alongside Christian missional families through the adoption journey and provide them with resources as they love, nurture, and disciple their children. We encourage you to pre-apply today or schedule a call with one of our adoption specialists.

Engage Your Church

Our team loves coming alongside church leaders to help them strategize how to best incorporate this type of ministry into the culture of their church family in a way that both recognizes and celebrates ministry to the vulnerable while providing gracious opportunities for church members to engage as the Lord leads.

Families Count

A six-week, biblical parenting class and mentoring ministry led by local churches for parents at risk of losing custody of their children and parents whose children are in foster care. Through Families Count, parents gain a Christ-centered community of support that promotes family permanency.


The Worthy Mentor Program is designed to connect local churches with women who have experienced unexpected pregnancy. Some of these women may be walking through pregnancy and considering their options, while others may be healing from abortion. Using a holistic model of care, Worthy church partners offer loving support through one-on-one mentoring relationships that are guided by a 10-week, biblical study.

Heritage Builders

Older youth in foster care face significant challenges as they reach the age at which they must transition to independent living. Through Heritage Builders, Lifeline pledges to help prepare churches to minister to this highly-vulnerable population, both practically and spiritually.

Church Initiatives

Use these church-centered initiatives to make an eternal impact in the lives of the vulnerable. Built for your church body, young and old, these initiatives will help bring the needs of the orphan to light in your church.

Foster and Adoptive Support

The Lifeline Educational Portal offers innumerable interactive courses to help equip and empower foster and adoptive families. Included in these courses are videos, resources, and activities featuring experts in the field of child welfare – counselors, social workers, trauma therapists, and more!

Education & Counseling

Parenting is challenging, especially with adoption or foster care. At Lifeline, we offer three types of support: Counseling: Specializing in adoption and foster care challenges. Parent Coaching: Tailored guidance on therapeutic parenting. Educational Support: Strengthening cognitive skills for children.

Pregnant? Considering Adoption?

We’ll help you explore your options with a goal of balance in what’s best for you and your child. Several qualities make us a unique option for expectant moms like you.

  • Personal advocate who represents your interests, not those of the adoptive family.
  • Freedom to consider all your pregnancy options.
  • Decision making at your own pace.
  • Adoptive families who are committed and prepared to honor you.
  • “You first” approach to adoption planning.
  • We exist to provide you with hope and peace through all-inclusive adoption care.
  • We believe you are not giving up your baby, but making a loving plan.

Join our team!

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Our Staff

Alaina Oliva
Administrative Coordinator
Ann Maura Hinton
M. Ed., TBRI Practitioner
Director of Bridge Educational Services
Deirdre Haman
Administrative Assistant
Erica Spivey
State Director
Greyson Holt
Family Therapist
Kimberly Linsley
Senior Manager / State Case Work Supervisor
Lauren Brown
Campaigns Manager
Levacy Smith
LMSW, TBRI® Practitioner
Senior Director of State Operations
Lexi Medlin
Pregnancy Counseling Specialist
Mikaela Tellefsen
Domestic Specialist
Rachel Abrahamsen
Adoption Specialist
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North Carolina Events

Heritage Builders Training – North Carolina

Peninsula Baptist Church 687 Brawley School Rd, Mooresville, NC

Event Details: Dates: January 16-17, 2025 Start Time: 6:00 PM on Thursday, January 16 End Time: 1:00 PM on Friday, January 17 Location: Peninsula Baptist Church, 687 Brawley School Rd,

Connect with us!

Complete the brief interest form below, and a member of our team will reach out to you soon!

Office Locations

Raleigh Office

2500 Regency Parkway Suite 243 Cary, NC 27518 205-967-0811

Charlotte Office

800 Robinson Road Suite B Gastonia, NC 28056 205-967-0811

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