Bringing Gospel Hope to Vulnerable Children through Adoption

Why Adoption?

We believe adoption is one way God provides families for vulnerable children who need to know the love of Christ, and the love of family. We desire to walk alongside Christian missional families through the adoption journey and provide them with resources as they love, nurture, and disciple their children.

Lifeline families see the big picture of adoption — part of God’s redemptive purpose and His divine work to set the lonely into families.

The Need Is Great. Will You Answer the Call?

Every day, vulnerable children become neglected, abandoned, and orphaned. Orphan numbers continue to rise, but at the same time, the pandemic has slowed the number of families willing to enter into the adoption process.

Today is the day to share the love of Christ with the vulnerable. Hurting, confused, and neglected children need Jesus, and they need you.

Will you answer Christ’s call?


International Placements to Date


Families Served through International Adoption


Domestic Placements


Become Orphans Daily

Why Lifeline?


Lifeline makes relationships with families, international partners, and local church bodies priority.


Lifeline seeks to make the gospel central in all we do — as we walk with and equip families, as we minister to the vulnerable, and as we find innovative ways to serve families built by adoption.


A Lifeline distinctive is that our families pay as they progress through the adoption process in four separate payments. Families can then track their progress over major milestones, instead of paying one large lump sum.

Interested in Adoption?

Find out more about how Lifeline walks with you before, during, and after adoption.

Family Testimonials
Hear from Lifeline Families
3 years ago
The Gray Family
8 years ago
The Lowe Family
8 years ago
The Godin Family
8 years ago
The Doblin Family
8 years ago
The Dobelstein Family

How to Fund Your Adoption

One of the biggest hesitations families express as they approach adoption is the financial cost. Lifeline is here to support you as you take the next step in faith. Download our free How to Fund Your Adoption eBook for helpful financial tips as you begin the adoption process. For more help, visit our resources page.

Download Ebook View Resources

”We believe that adoption is a faith journey — one that you are called to by the Lord. We believe that whatever God calls you to, He will equip you for.”

— Herbie Newell,
President & Executive Director

Educational Courses Created for You and Your Family

The Lifeline Educational Portal offers innumerable interactive courses for you during the entire adoption process. Resources are available before, during, and after you adopt a child domestically or internationally. Included in these courses are videos, resources, and activities featuring experts in the field of child welfare – counselors, social workers, trauma therapists, and more! These courses will cover topics ranging from raising your adoptive child who has behavioral issues, navigating transracial and multicultural family dynamics, to understanding a child’s history and the impacts that have occurred as a result.

Family Makes a Difference