
No Longer Lonely

Esther, 16, and Josie, 11, were strangers among a sea of millions of orphans. Now they are sisters, brought together through international adoption. Although their past stories are different, the

Reassurance in Adoption: The Tamblyn Family Adoption Testimony

Hello, we are the Tamblyn family; John, Katherine and Lucy. My mother, who suffers from short-term memory loss, has lived with us for over 17 years and is a special

Three Times Adoptive Families Need Resources

Lifeline understands the beauty of adoption, but we also understand the loss from which it arises and the trauma surrounding the hearts of vulnerable children and their new families. Individuals

Suggested Reading Resources

Our staff would like to share with you the following books and resources. We have reviewed each of these and believe they would be helpful. However, not all of these

Recommended Children’s Books

  A Blessing from Above by Patti Henderson and Elizabeth Edge A Koala for Katie by Jonathan London and Cynthia Jabar A Mother for Chaco by Keiko Kasza A Sister

Talking with a Child About His/Her Adoption

From the moment your child is placed with you, you can begin bringing up adoption, your child’s birth country and how God brought him/her into your family.  As your child

Grieving as Parents

Many times people assume children will grieve their losses in a fostering or adoption situation; however, it is not always assumed that the parents might grieve as well.  Foster or

Supporting Adoption Through Your Profession

The Financial Cost of Adoption My husband and I always desired to grow our family through adoption, but browsing websites and crunching numbers left me overwhelmed and a little discouraged.

Father's Day picture of family walking

An Adoptive Father’s Thoughts on Father’s Day

As father’s day approaches, there are two primary thoughts that come to my mind about being a father, and about having a Heavenly Father. My wife Liz and I have

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