

Technology, social media, social networking sites, the internet; those words carry a lot of weight in our society and have brought significant change in how we do most everything in

ABC’s for a Successful Start to the School Year

What feelings did you have as summer vacation ended and the new school year began?  You may have experienced a range of feelings that included disappointment, excitement, delight, hopefulness, fear,


Self-Care! Are you kidding me?  Who has time for self-care? Have you seen my “to do” list?  Do you know my schedule of school events, extracurricular activities, medical appointments, and


Touch plays a very important part of developing attachment and bringing healing to our children who have experienced less than optimum beginnings.  It was discovered in the early 19th century

Time In & Think-It-Over

Time In & Think-It-Over * Children from hard places are already more likely to feel disconnected from you and sending your child away teaches them that it is okay to

Parenting: How to Deliver a Consequence

These discussions of trauma and attachment can, at times, leave a parent feeling paralyzed in how to respond to misbehavior for fear they will cause further damage and trauma…As we provide discipline, (training that corrects, molds, and encourages moral character) rather than…

Resources For Babysitters and Childcare Workers

As a foster or adoptive parent, it is important for you to seek childcare for your children where the workers understand and can provide at least a very base level

Frequently Asked Questions about Counseling

At Lifeline, we know that families struggle post placement, and we expect challenges to arise as part of the journey. We desire to be a safe place where they can seek help from those struggles. Throughout the following frequently asked questions, we…

Families Count: Holistic Support to Moms & Dads

Families Count is a resource that was born out of our desire to see the goal of foster care—healthy family reunification—occur, as a result of birth parents who have been

The Harris Family: A Heart for Foster Care

Lifeline’s heart for fostering is to provide a safe, loving home for vulnerable children while also seeking to provide birth families with the tools and relationships to reunite with their

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