
The Blessing of Weakness

Our legacy can be certain if we will decline fascination with our own competence; opting instead for a radical confidence in the power of God….

So Now, We are His Children

We now belong to a Father, in a new family with sisters and brothers from all times, cultures, and languages. We have not earned this identity, but have received it all because of Jesus!…

Suggested Reading Resources

Our staff would like to share with you the following books and resources. We have reviewed each of these and believe they would be helpful. However, not all of these

Recommended Children’s Books

  A Blessing from Above by Patti Henderson and Elizabeth Edge A Koala for Katie by Jonathan London and Cynthia Jabar A Mother for Chaco by Keiko Kasza A Sister

Grieving as Parents

Many times people assume children will grieve their losses in a fostering or adoption situation; however, it is not always assumed that the parents might grieve as well.  Foster or


The fostering and/or adoption process can be challenging for siblings already in the home as well as for the child new to the home.  All relationships are going through transitions.


Due to a child’s life being very chaotic or overly structured before adoption, he/she may have a difficult time managing transitions or change. The smallest change in their environment may

Challenging Behaviors

Remember where your child is coming from and to expect many challenging behaviors. Remember your child’s chronological age versus the developmental age. Discipline: Use positive scripting to verbalize what you

Food/Eating Issues

Children may come to our homes with many challenges surrounding food. Children may have spent time wondering when they would get to eat their next meal or may have fought

The Beginning of a Relationship

Lifeline’s heart in foster care includes loving, gospel-centered relationships with biological parents. Working toward the goal of reconciliation, we love to partner with our foster families to provide a safe

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