

Self-Care! Are you kidding me?  Who has time for self-care? Have you seen my “to do” list?  Do you know my schedule of school events, extracurricular activities, medical appointments, and


Touch plays a very important part of developing attachment and bringing healing to our children who have experienced less than optimum beginnings.  It was discovered in the early 19th century

Eye Contact

Matthew 6:22 and Luke 11:34 state, “the eye is the lamp of the body”.   Shakespeare stated, “The eyes are the windows to your soul”.  There is no doubt that it

Making Sense of Senses

* What to look for: o What sensory experiences does your child seek out? o What sensory experiences does your child avoid? o Where does your child struggle? A Child

Responding to Severe Behaviors

* Lifeline is not certified to teach skills in TBRI Level 4: Protective Engagement. * Protective engagement refers to restrictive techniques such as restraining used to deescalate situations and keep

Older Children & Tools for Discipline

Be a Role Model: * As parents, we must demonstrate or model what we want our children to do, especially when they do not have language to communicate with us

Shaping Phrases

Shaping Phrases Shaping phrases are short little scripts that focus on telling your child what to do, rather than what not to do. They are a positive alternative to a

Time In & Think-It-Over

Time In & Think-It-Over * Children from hard places are already more likely to feel disconnected from you and sending your child away teaches them that it is okay to

Parenting: How to Deliver a Consequence

These discussions of trauma and attachment can, at times, leave a parent feeling paralyzed in how to respond to misbehavior for fear they will cause further damage and trauma…As we provide discipline, (training that corrects, molds, and encourages moral character) rather than…

Pro-Life Means Every Life

the ultimate value of human life can be found in the gospel. God the Son became a man and fulfilled the work of redemption, and the price that was paid in Jesus establishes the proper worth of people. We treasure each other…

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