
‘Essence of Adolescents’

“Ugh, teenagers!” “Teens just go brain dead for a little while and then come back.” “It’s all the raging hormones — they act crazy!” “If we can just get through

Post-Holiday Transitions

Children, especially those from trauma backgrounds, tend to find stability and safety in structured, predictable environments. Those two words are not typically used to describe holidays or winter breaks. Additionally,

‘Making Time’ for Self-Care

Developed by Lynn Beckett, LBSW Adapted for blog by Neisha Roberts It’s the age-old conundrum for those named “mom” or “dad” — how do you keep up with all the

Back to School in a Pandemic

Compiled by Jenny Riddle from contributions by Lynn Beckett and Angela Mains In the middle of this pandemic, almost every decision feels like the weight of the world. Lifeline Children’s

Response to the Unexpected: Siblings

  Mutual hardship can bring either disharmony or unity.   Alexandre Dumas in “The Three Musketeers” wrote, “All for one and one for all, united we stand divided we fall.”

Response to the Unexpected: Attachment

 The recommended and mandated safe responses to the novel coronavirus require most of us to veer out of our normal routines and schedules. Parents are working from home, and

Response to the Unexpected: Parenting

Although sheltering in place can bring many positive opportunities to our homes, the unpredictability and stress of the situation can caused unexpected challenges. Your child’s behavior may have regressed due

Educational Tip for at Home: Sensory Development

At the outset of the COVID-19 outbreak, Herbie Newell, president and executive director of Lifeline Children’s Services, gave the Lifeline team the challenge to be a “good neighbor” and pray

Response to the Unexpected: Behaviors

  In Birmingham, Ala., spring is in the air (and so is coronavirus disease 2019). Our daffodils are blooming, the azaleas are budding. It is the time of year we

Educational Tip for at Home: Motor Development

As we all begin to settle into a new rhythm of life for a while, a discussion has been taking place at Lifeline Children’s Services. In all that we do,

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