Vessels of Hope
Lifeline’s Monthly Giving Community
When you join Vessels of Hope, you join a community of faithful and like-minded donors who are passionate about changed lives and seeing the gospel spread. You can be assured that as a Vessel, you’re part of a bigger story- taking gospel hope to vulnerable children.
Why Your Gift Matters
Lifeline’s work to bring gospel hope to vulnerable children is continuous, month-in and month-out, as the needs are ever-present.
We make an extra effort to keep our monthly donors informed and aware of how their gifts impact children’s lives across The United States and in 24 countries. We appreciate your investment in our ministry.
Interested in Donating to Lifeline in Other Ways?
We appreciate any gift at any time. Lifeline’s Additional Giving Opportunities page is a way for you to donate in more non-traditional ways. If you are looking for a campaign or event of your interest, please visit our Campaigns and Events Page.
Lifeline Children’s Services has many options when it comes time to make donations! If you would prefer to give a gift and have it applied to where it is most needed, then simply use our website or send your gifts to:
Lifeline Children’s Services
Mailing Address: 200 Missionary Ridge Birmingham, AL 35242 USA
Phone: (205) 967-0811
EIN Number: 63-089687
We value your gift and your partnership. Increase your impact by becoming a monthly donor.