Country: Philippines Adoption

Age Range: 6-15
Sibling Groups: yes
Medical Special Needs: moderate to complex medical needs
Marriage Length: 3 years
Single Women: yes
In-Country Travel: 5 days

The Philippines is still considered a pilot program for Lifeline as Lifeline has not yet seen a child come home from this country. We expect children to be six years and older with moderate to more complex needs. Families open to larger or older sibling groups are also matched quickly, as the children’s age and sibling group size is considered their special need. Traditionally young children with minor special needs are placed in the Philippines through their domestic adoption program.

There are two tracks prospective families can register. The Regular Track puts a family waiting with other families for a referral after submission of a dossier. These children may be younger and have more moderate needs. The Special Findings Track includes children with more impactful medical and emotional diagnoses, impactful family history, and sibling groups. Upon families submitting a written request with their profile information, the Central Authority decides on the match. When a family matches, then a dossier is submitted.

Upon completion of the dossier, approximate wait for referral is four years on the Regular Track. This is dependent on the families’ openness and can be quicker if on the Special Findings Track. Typically travel occurs six to nine months after official matching.

Families will travel to the Philippines for approximately five days to complete their adoption and bond with their child in-country.

About the Philippines

This is a brand new adoption program for Lifeline, though intercountry adoptions have taken place in the Philippines for over 50 years. The Philippines allows families the opportunity to pursue children available for adoption between ages 6 and 15. We anticipate children with moderate to complex special needs and sibling groups to be made available for adoption. Matches are made by the supervisory personnel in the Central Authority. The Philippines Adoption Central Authority is the National Authority for Child Care (NACC).

The Need

There are an estimated 2 million orphans on the many islands of the Philippines. Most live in government run orphanages while waiting for a match with an adoptive family.

How You Can Help

Lifeline has not seen a family complete an adoption from the Philippines yet. We are interested in working with families open to serving as a pilot family in this program. The Philippines has a rich history of intercountry adoption and Lifeline is excited to be able to offer this program to their families now.

Other Ways to Get Involved
Other Ways to Get Involved



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