
Meet Grace

Meet Grace. Grace lives in Uganda with her daughter, Esther, and attends Busega Community School for the Deaf. Because she was born deaf and unable to talk, Grace was often

The Schuck Family

When we were brought to the room where our daughter was, I thought I would explode with all sorts of emotions. She reached her little hand out to me and

The Grant Family

For every wonderful success we have had with Lucas and his development, a new chance for repentance of sin came for us as parents. We thank God that He has

The Gunter Family

In that moment, C.J. was fatherless no more. We spent a wonderful week getting to play with him in the orphanage and learning more about his special needs. It was

The Rosenthal Family

Adoption is a necessarily lengthy and somewhat challenging process, designed for the benefit and protection of the child/ren and parents, which is to be expected in the case of any

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