
The Phillips Family

I cannot recommend Lifeline enough! From our first inquiry email, Lifeline was committed to us and to our sweet child-to-be, holding our hands every step of the way. When an

The Tice Family

Had it not been for Lifeline, their team in country, their team in the states, and the training they had put us through, I really don’t think I would have

The Lopas Family

As believers, adoption should not be motivated by what we think we want for our family, but rather by what the Lord wants for our family. Sometimes, those end up

The Clement Family

A missionary had been discussing the story in Genesis 22 of how the Lord took Abraham on a long journey to prepare his heart and blessed him for being faithful.

The Abell Family

With a broken heart, I began to think, “I could adopt a boy like that. I’ve done this once. I could do it again.” And that is when God spoke

Meet Layla

Meet Layla. Layla lives at Village of Hope in Guatemala. When she was born, her mother abandoned her in the hospital, making that her home for the first year and

Meet Warda

Meet Warda.  Warda is from Pakistan and lives at Developing Hope Girls Home with 30 other girls. Warda moved into the home when it first opened. She was 11 years old

Meet Emmanuel

Meet Emmanuel. Emmanuel lives in the Dominican Republic at Niños de la Luz, (un)adopted’s partner boys’ home. Emmanuel is 17 years old and has lived at Niños de la Luz

Meet Jerome

Meet Jerome. Jerome lives in Liberia and attended a life skill camp sponsored by (un)adopted and REAP. At camp, Jerome learned the skill of masonry and is using his skills

Meet Godwin and Winner

Meet Godwin and Winner. Godwin and Winner are brothers who live in Togo. They grew up in the same orphanage and have spent most of their lives learning how to

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