

SLEEP Sleepless in Seattle?  Birmingham?  Charleston?  San Antonio?   Sleep disturbances are one of the most common challenges for a child transitioning to a new home.  Causes for sleep disturbances can

Language of Adoption and Foster Care

WHAT NOT TO SAY APPROPRIATE ALTERNATIVES Birth Mothers: Is she going to give her baby up? or Is she going to put up her child for adoption? Place her child

Teaching Feelings, Self-Awareness & Boundaries

* Remember, one goal of parenting is to help teach our children to gain insight into their feelings and how those feelings affect their behaviors. * If your child stomps

Older Children & Tools for Discipline

Be a Role Model: * As parents, we must demonstrate or model what we want our children to do, especially when they do not have language to communicate with us

Resources For Babysitters and Childcare Workers

As a foster or adoptive parent, it is important for you to seek childcare for your children where the workers understand and can provide at least a very base level

Frequently Asked Questions about Counseling

At Lifeline, we know that families struggle post placement, and we expect challenges to arise as part of the journey. We desire to be a safe place where they can seek help from those struggles. Throughout the following frequently asked questions, we…

Equipped to Love

Equipped to Love is a resource to help family and friends support the adoptive and foster families in their church.


KnowOrphans addresses three distinct areas associated with global orphan care….


Orphanology unveils the grassroots movement that’s engaged in a comprehensive response to serve hundreds of millions of orphans and “functionally fatherless” children. In this book, you will see a breadth of ways to care with biblical perspective and reasons why we must….

Backyard Orphans

Backyard Orphans provides an online orphan care assessment for churches and leadership training and consultation.

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