Worthy brings hope to women who have experienced unexpected pregnancy.Worthy brings hope to women who have experienced unexpected pregnancy.

Lives Transformed Through Worthy

A Story of Lives Changed

Grace Reformed Baptist Church in Mebane, North Carolina, recently launched Worthy. Worthy is a church mentorship program that connects local churches with women who have experienced unexpected pregnancies. Whether they are navigating their pregnancies or healing from abortion, women receive support through one-on-one mentoring relationships guided by a 10-week biblical study. They explore topics like value, grief, identity, and hope as they learn about the good news of the gospel. 

So far, the first women who completed the program at this North Carolina Church continue to study the Bible with their church. One woman even professed faith in Christ, then went home and taught her children what she learned through Worthy. This church’s success is just one example of Worthy’s nationwide impact. 

The church said about their experience starting Worthy: “We just graduated our first Worthy mentee, and another young lady started the very same day. She was so grateful and has soaked up the truth she has been taught. We plan to continue with a Bible study of the book of Mark. All glory to God for enabling us to do this, and we continue to pray for fruit.” 

How It Works 

Each church partner chooses a Worthy Coordinator who oversees the mentors at her church. The Coordinator also works with local Pregnancy Resource Centers to identify women who desire mentorship. Mentorship is between a trained mentor and a woman who has experienced an unexpected pregnancy. Churches can create a mentor cohort and group multiple mentors and women together during the 10-week program. After Worthy ends, the goal is to build lasting relationships with women who will become a part of the local church. 

Get Started With Worthy 

When you sign up for Worthy, you will first receive a digital kit with everything you need to start. After downloading the kit, Lifeline will provide virtual training classes and access to Worthy workbooks. If you aren’t already, you will want to find and connect with your local Pregnancy Resource Center and tell them about Worthy so they can help refer women to your church. The last step is to begin mentoring and start changing lives!

You Can Make a Difference

From becoming a mentor to supporting Worthy financially, every contribution to this program counts and can change lives. Sign your church up for Worthy and start changing lives with the hope of the gospel today.