According to Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Consultation Education and Training Services (FASCETS), Fetal Alcohol Spectrum can be described most simply as “an invisible brain-based physical condition with behavioral symptoms.” More specifically,
By Rachel Beatty Psalm 68:5 reveals to us that, “Father of the fatherless and protector of widows is God in his holy habitation.”The fatherless here on earth can take heart because of
A Story of Lives Changed Grace Reformed Baptist Church in Mebane, North Carolina, recently launched Worthy. Worthy is a church mentorship program that connects local churches with women who have
By Jenny Riddle “As I explained our adoption story to strangers, it renewed a joy and love for the way God put our family together. Here we were, raising money for an organization
Lifeline’s pregnancy counselors met a mother who recently moved to America and found herself unexpectedly pregnant. As the months passed, they tried to meet with her because she wanted to
With over 400,000 children in the U.S. in state care, we are in the midst of a crisis. For the church, the most difficult aspect of foster care is knowing
Natalie*, a single mom who recently escaped a 10-year-long abusive marriage, was left to parent three children on her own. Lifeline’s South Carolina pregnancy counselors met Natalie in the fall
The Richarte family felt called by the Lord to foster care adoption. Vicente recounts the story of God calling them to foster care adoption: The small whispers of adoption had
Since April is Counseling Awareness Month, it is a great time to celebrate our wonderful counselors at Lifeline! Our counseling team exists to support adoptive families, foster families, and others
In a world where the sanctity of human life is increasingly challenged, recent events have brought this vital issue to the forefront. From the 2024 State of the Union address