Serving Peru Through Lifeline

Peru, in western South America, has a population of 32.2 million. Peru has had one of the fastest-growing economies in the world in recent years. Even still, socio-economic inequalities continue to affect the lives of children in Peru, exposing them to sexual exploitation, child labor, gender-based violence and orphanhood.


Cambiando Horizontes

This ministry partner focuses on caring for children as they age out of protective care, mobilizing local churches to care for the vulnerable, and strengthening at-risk families to prevent separation.

Program Focus:

-Preparing adolescents within the orphan care system for independent life.

-Accompanying youth who have aged out of the system.

-Training orphanage personnel around the country.

-Promoting foster care and family reintegration within the church.

-Creating opportunities and supporting networks for young people in local and national institutions, organizations, and churches.

What's Happening in Peru


The Overlooked Foster Care Crisis During Back-to-School Season 

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Inflation is Devastating Child Welfare 

The impact of inflation is felt in every corner of our society, but nowhere is this more painfully evident than in the child welfare system. The devastating effects of inflation

Planned Parenthood’s Dangerous Devaluation of Human Life at the DNCPlanned Parenthood’s Dangerous Devaluation of Human Life at the DNC

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Call to Pray: Praying for the 2024 Election 

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The Olympic Spirit Bridging Divides

With the 2024 Olympics in full swing, I can’t help but think of what an exciting time this is for families worldwide, including my own. In my household, the Olympics

Living With FASD

According to Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Consultation Education and Training Services (FASCETS), Fetal Alcohol Spectrum can be described most simply as “an invisible brain-based physical condition with behavioral symptoms.” More specifically,

Fathers to the Fatherless

By Rachel Beatty Psalm 68:5 reveals to us that, “Father of the fatherless and protector of widows is God in his holy habitation.”The fatherless here on earth can take heart because of

Worthy brings hope to women who have experienced unexpected pregnancy.

Lives Transformed Through Worthy

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Standing Together for Orphans

By Jenny Riddle “As I explained our adoption story to strangers, it renewed a joy and love for the way God put our family together. Here we were, raising money for an organization

Hope: The Universal Language

Lifeline’s pregnancy counselors met a mother who recently moved to America and found herself unexpectedly pregnant. As the months passed, they tried to meet with her because she wanted to

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