Serving India Through Lifeline

Home to over a billion people, with nearly 30 million orphans, India is ripe for harvest. Hinduism is the largest religion, and it is estimated nearly 95% of the country is still unreached. There are endless opportunities to share the hope of the gospel in this country rich with culture. Global Orphan Care partners with 3 like-minded ministries in India.



STEPS Home cares for girls that have been rescued from trafficking, have been ransomed from being child brides or have been orphaned or abandoned in some other way. At STEPS, they attend school, have the opportunity to move on to college, and are engaged in job skills and life skills programs while being discipled through their faith in Christ.

Hannah Krupa Ministries

Hannah Krupa Ministries is an after-school program for children in the slums of southern India. The program provides after-school care, food, and tutoring for 150 children. Many of these children still have a parent or guardian living, but come from impoverished and high-risk situations. They assist with homework, offer Bible studies, and provide a safe place for kids to play. They offer health checkups for the kids twice a year.

New Life Foundation

New Life Foundation is focused on caring for children who have HIV/AIDs. Their program includes a monthly nutrition program, evangelism, discipleship and family support services.

Pastor Balu

Pastor Balu and his family started the New Life Children's Home in 2014, serving the Banjara Gypsy community. Today, they provide care for over 40 children, sharing the good news of God's love, while equipping the children with the education and life skills needed for the future.

Other Ways to Get Involved

Pray that the Lord would continue to ignite the hearts of believers in India to care for for the vulnerable!


Sponsor a Child

What's Happening in India

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