WHAT IT IS AND WHAT IT IS NOT The term “cocooning “ has been applied to a number of different disciplines from social science, marketing, economic forecasting to parenting.
Self-soothing behaviors in children and adolescents from hard places can be confusing and the range of parental responses to such behaviors can be vast. Some families look at this behavior
Touch plays a very important part of developing attachment and bringing healing to our children who have experienced less than optimum beginnings. It was discovered in the early 19th century
Matthew 6:22 and Luke 11:34 state, “the eye is the lamp of the body”. Shakespeare stated, “The eyes are the windows to your soul”. There is no doubt that it
Many people may have prayed for and waited for the moment they get to meet your little one, but I would like to take a moment to remind you and
Time In & Think-It-Over * Children from hard places are already more likely to feel disconnected from you and sending your child away teaches them that it is okay to
When I ask families how they are adjusting at home with their new child, they will often state, almost as an apology, “All we do is play; we are just
The bonding and attachment process is referring to building trust, mutual affection, love, and security. It is important to see that connecting with your child will affect all aspects of
My family began the adoption process in 2005. Adding to our family had never really been discussed, and as far as I was concerned, I was happily the baby of