The Well is an initiative by Lifeline Children’s Services, to meet the physical needs of women in unexpected pregnancies.
This fund will allow our pregnancy counselors to help these women cover rent, utilities, medical costs, food, transportation, and many other needs throughout their pregnancy, hospital stay, and after. When we care for and meet their physical needs, abundant opportunities arise for us to share about the One who can meet their ultimate need and take on their sin and shame.

Why We Need the Well
In John 4, a Samaritan woman left her home and made the short walk to the same well she had visited, probably most of the days of her life, to fulfill the need for life-sustaining water. But, one day, there was something different: a stranger was there. This man was Jewish, a race who looked down upon and despised Samaritans, like this woman.
He began talking to her like she mattered. On the surface, his request for a drink of water was a practical one. But, in the conversation that followed, Jesus was able to explain the difference in the physical water she came looking for and the living water he had come to provide. His compassionate interaction met her deepest need, and she ultimately walked away with everything she really needed.
But first, she went looking for water.
Her need for water brought her to a place where she could encounter the Living Water. Every day, Lifeline’s pregnancy counselors encounter women like this woman at the well: women who have needs. The expectant mothers we talk with have both physical and spiritual needs during their pregnancy and after. Many of them struggle to meet those needs. The Well is a new Lifeline fund established to help meet the physical needs of women in unexpected pregnancies. When we care for and meet their physical needs, abundant opportunities arise for us to share about the One who can meet their ultimate need and take on their sin and shame.
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