Alli joined Lifeline in August 2020. She is from Deatsville, AL and is a social worker on the Latin America team. Alli graduated from Troy University with a BSW and a minor in Spanish in May 2019 and then again with her MSW in July 2020. She is so thankful to have a wonderful family – her mom, dad, and sister. They are her greatest support system! Alli loves going to the lake with her family, having game nights with friends, going to concerts, traveling (both to new and favorite places), and reading! Her 3 simple joys are: a strong cup of coffee, the feeling of sunshine, and her two cute pups! “God has put such a big passion in my heart for vulnerable and orphaned children. I have always loved the concept of adoption because I think it is such a beautiful picture of the gospel and the redemption power of Jesus and overwhelming love of our Father. Lifeline emphasizes that picture by centering every day and task on the gospel and seeking to ensure that all those who come in contact with Lifeline are exposed to the love of Christ.”
Staff Member