
March Monthly Focus: Fostering

The Problem Facing Fostering  In 2016, Lifeline was only able to place 19% of our foster care referrals in 2016 because we did not have enough licensed families. A lack

Families Count: Holistic Support to Moms & Dads

Families Count is a resource that was born out of our desire to see the goal of foster care—healthy family reunification—occur, as a result of birth parents who have been

Equipped to Love: How the Church Can Support Adoptive and Foster Families

When God’s people respond to His command to care for vulnerable children, our churches will become faith families to parents, children, and siblings who are navigating the journeys of fostering

Holiday Tips for Waiting Families

As the holidays roll in, you may find yourself in a time of longing and waiting—waiting for your family to be complete; waiting for your child; and waiting on the

The Lost Truth of Imago Dei |Racial Reconciliation & The Gospel

Beloved brother and sister in Christ, we have made racial reconciliation a social issue and not a gospel issue. The truth is our bloodlines are not skin deep but run down deep into our souls. So believer there is no excuse not…

Stepping into a Multi-Cultural World | Racial Reconciliation & The Gospel

Our families, our lives, and our perspectives change when we step into the multi-cultural world of foster care, orphan care and adoption. We no longer see people as projects, but we see them as image bearers of Christ who eagerly desire and…

10 Ways to Engage in Foster Care Apart from Parenting

We know that caring for children who are vulnerable is the Church’s call and responsibility. Below, we’ve listed ten ways that are essential and beneficial to foster families and children; they can’t and shouldn’t do it alone!…

Preparing the Next Generation for God-Honoring Orphan Care

Remember, it is our generation’s prerogative (our right and privilege) to train the next generation to “love that which God loves” and “hate that which God hates.” This works itself out in many areas of life, one in which is orphan care….

Three Important Relationships for Temporary Dads

I’ll never forget when our first respite care child, a three-year-old boy, came to our home. My wife and I were so excited and so nervous! All the training, home

Changing Lives through the Church

We are believers in this goal, as we know from Scripture that God ordained family; however, outside of multiple short-term interventions, there are few, or no, real Christ-centered services being offered to birth parents—services that extend hope for lasting success to them…

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