Sanctity of Human Life
In 1984, Ronald Reagan declared the first Sanctity of Human Life Day to commemorate the anniversary of Roe v. Wade. Now, on the third Sunday of January, churches across the United States focus their attention on God as the Giver of Life and on the Church’s role to value and protect that life. Each year, Lifeline provides speakers, resources, and more to help your church stand for life.
Speak Up for the Voiceless
On Sanctity of Human Life Sunday, churches across our nation will come together for prayer, observance, and discussion to highlight the need to stand for all human life. Let us help you bring this special focus to a Sunday service at your church.
“One of the hardest things about getting our hands dirty in the pro-life movement is that it requires real life engagement, not just photo ops or ways to make a splash on social media. Being truly pro-life changes the way we look at everyday life and how we invest our time in the lives of the broken and hurting around us.” – Image Bearers: Shifting from Pro-Birth to Pro-Life by Herbie Newell
Request a Speaker

We believe adoption is one way God provides families for vulnerable children who need to know the love of Christ, and the love of family. We desire to walk alongside Christian missional families through the adoption journey and provide them with resources as they love, nurture, and disciple their children.
DonateYour donation can bring the gospel to vulnerable children and can provide resources and support for those who have adopted children.
Sponsor a ChildAdvocating for waiting children all over the world is a necessary piece of caring for all life and a way that anyone can help find Christian, forever families for children in need.
Host an Adoption Information MeetingWhether in-person or through a web conference, our team can meet with prospective adoptive families in your congregation who are interested in learning about domestic or international adoption.
We’re Here to Talk!
If you have any questions about Sanctity of Human Life Sunday or would like to connect with our team to discuss what Sanctity of Human Life Sunday can look like at your church, please reach out to us. We would love to come alongside you and your team!