The following medical tests are recommended for your child upon arrival in the U.S. after an international adoption. The completion of these tests is not required by Lifeline, but for some countries a physical exam may be required. You may wish to check with your health insurance provider before completing the tests, as some insurance policies will not cover all of the suggested tests. Ask your physician or the local International Adoption Clinic to run a series of post-adoption tests in addition to having a physical exam.
- Hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg and HBsAB)
- Hepatitis B core antibody (HBcAB)
- Hepatitis C antibody test
- PPD (Mantoux)
- VDRL or RPR and FTA or MHA-TP
- Complete blood count and erythrocyte indices
- Vision and Hearing Screen
- Lead Level
- Thyroid Function (TSH and free T4)
- Vaccine Antibody Titers
- Fecal Examination for ova and parasites