
Lifeline Children’s Services Commends Supreme Court’s Decision to Overturn Roe v. Wade With Ruling on Dobbs v. Jackson


June 24, 2022


BIRMINGHAM, Ala. — Lifeline Children’s Services, the largest evangelical adoption agency in the United States, applauds the Supreme Court’s decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization to overturn Roe v. Wade. President and Executive Director Herbie Newell issued the following statement today:

“Almost 50 years after a court-created right to abortion was fabricated by the Supreme Court, we rejoice that the correct decision has been made. However, we are tempered by the sobering reality that this decision does not eliminate abortion, but rather sends the issue back to the states to decide. Christians, we must continue to contend for the hearts and souls of people and  for the lives of women and children with even more vigilance.  It is not enough for us to seek an end to abortion. We must consistently be present with women in crisis–not just while they’re pregnant but in the weeks, months and even years after.  And, we must continue to protect precious human life from the moment of conception until natural death.”

“It would be naive for us to think that access to abortion will end overnight. The battle to end legalized murder is not over. We must continue to advocate for human flourishing and life for both baby and mother.”

Lifeline Children’s Services, with offices in 16 states, serves vulnerable children and families through private domestic and international adoption, family restoration, and pregnancy counseling.


Lifeline is not affiliated with any denomination, it was created to support pregnancy counseling and adoption work in 1981 in Birmingham, Alabama where it remains headquartered today. In 2000, Lifeline expanded its ministry internationally, beginning in China. Each year, additional countries have been added to its ministry, and now Lifeline is presently involved in 24 countries.



Press Release June 24 2022 Dobbs