
Hope: The Universal Language

Lifeline’s pregnancy counselors met a mother who recently moved to America and found herself unexpectedly pregnant. As the months passed, they tried to meet with her because she wanted to make an adoption plan. This mom did not have the resources or support to successfully parent a child. She received no prenatal care. Despite that, she did not meet with her pregnancy counselors before she delivered. At that point, she was in clear emotional distress. She did not speak English, so the team could not communicate with her without a translator. 

This mom delivered her healthy baby boy at 36 weeks. She wanted to choose a Christian adoptive family for her son who could “raise him knowing the Word of God.” When the adoptive family arrived at the hospital, the birth mom and the adoptive mom made an instant connection because they both spoke Spanish. After establishing a relationship with them, she felt confident in her plan and knew adoption was the best decision for her son. This mom told the pregnancy counselors that she knows God has great plans for her. They reminded her that even though God’s plans are different than ours, they are always for His glory.

This birth mother wanted to be connected to a local church after being discharged from the hospital. She has kept in close contact with her pregnancy counselors since her son’s placement.

Tricia Willamson, Lifeline’s Senior Director of Domestic Adoption, summed up the experience by saying, “I am grateful God has allowed us the opportunity to be in contact through Lifeline’s ministry.” 

If you find yourself unexpectedly pregnant and searching for hope, Lifeline is here for you. Click here to find hope.