Equip Your Church to Bring Gospel Hope to Image Bearers

“Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.”- James 1:27

For more than 40 years, the gospel has compelled Lifeline to equip the body of Christ to share God’s grace, and to love holistically – addressing the spiritual, emotional, and physical needs of vulnerable women, children, and families.

With all that is happening around us, including the overturning of Roe Vs. Wade and the breakdown of the traditional family, it is vital that God’s people show dignity and care for all people, inside and outside of the womb. Lifeline is here to partner with your church to bring life, hope, and a future to vulnerable image bearers in your community and around the world. 

We would love to connect with you to learn how your church is engaging in this type of ministry and to find ways that Lifeline might be able to further equip you and your church family through our free resources, programs, and support. Please click below to schedule a brief meeting with our team to learn more. 

Start Engaging Your Church

Check out some of the opportunities available throughout the year to help raise awareness and call your church family to action around the needs of the vulnerable. 

Orphan Sunday

Every year, hundreds of churches dedicate one Sunday to raise awareness for the needs of vulnerable children. We may not all be called to adopt or foster, but we can all do something. Lifeline has a resource page full of videos, handouts, sample sermons, and more.

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Sanctity of Human Life

On the third Sunday in January, churches across the nation come together to focus their attention on the church’s role to value and protect life. Lifeline provides resources designed to move your church family to action.

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Mission Kid

Mission Kid is a free video curriculum designed to help your children understand the needs of orphaned and vulnerable children around the world. Lifeline offers videos, lesson plans, and more to complement your children’s ministry programming.

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Orphan Sunday

Every year, hundreds of churches dedicate one Sunday to raise awareness for the needs of vulnerable children. We may not all be called to adopt or foster, but we can all do something. Lifeline has a resource page full of videos, handouts, sample sermons, and more.

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Sanctity of Human Life

On the third Sunday in January, churches across the nation come together to focus their attention on the church’s role to value and protect life. Lifeline provides resources designed to move your church family to action.

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Mission Kid

Mission Kid is a free video curriculum designed to help your children understand the needs of orphaned and vulnerable children around the world. Lifeline offers videos, lesson plans, and more to complement your children’s ministry programming.

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