Bridge Educational Services

When your children from hard places struggle to reach their potential in learning, it can be really difficult. But we’re here to support you as you help them learn in public, private, or homeschooling settings.

Bridge Educational Services: Creating Bridges from Frustration to Hope

Bridge Educational Services offers an informal achievement and cognitive screening assessment. The screening results can be helpful to parents in highlighting learning challenges or giftedness and to know whether to request a comprehensive psychological or educational evaluation for their child. Bridge Educational Screenings are not meant to replace the complete educational evaluation or diagnose a specific learning difference. The information received from the screening is to help you better understand and help know how your child learns. The screening provides a glimpse into primitive reflexes, cognitive executive functioning skills, and sensory/motor development. This combination of screenings enables us to see how cognitive strengths and weaknesses can impact everyday life and school performance. If Bridge Educational Therapy is requested, a Bridge Plan is created from the assessment that best fits your child’s individual educational needs. The Bridge Plan is a roadmap for compiling the most helpful components to begin the motor-sensory, social-emotional, and cognitive developmental activities with their tutor. Also included is specific guidance regarding special education plans such as IEPs and 504 plans.

Bridge Educational tutors are educational therapists who use a variety of tools, strategies, and techniques proven to build motor-sensory, social-emotional, and cognitive developmental skills which impact learning. Tutors meet weekly, virtually or in-person, in playfully engaging cognitive fitness sessions designed to address the needs of the whole child.

A member of the Bridge educational team will provide support, utilizing the Bridge Assessment and Bridge Plan, to help families as they navigate their child’s educational journey. They will assist with the IEP/504 process, serving as an educational advisor, interruption and understanding special needs diagnosis and educational assessments.


“Bridge Educational Services and our Bridge tutor have been an answer to prayer for our family! After trying countless therapies, educational programs, tutoring, etc, our 8 year old child has benefited most from our time with Bridge Educational Services.

The integration of emotional, physical, and cognitive therapies have been amazingly powerful for our daughter. She loves the books, games, exercises, and manipulatives that my tutor uses and she looks forward to her therapy time every week. My Bridge tutor’s experience, wisdom, intentionality, and patience have been such a gift to us, with the bonus that we’re able to do it all from the convenience of our own home. We are so grateful to Lifeline for offering the support of this invaluable service – it has been a game changer for our child and family as a whole! Thank you, Lifeline and Bridge Educational Services!”

Meet Our Team

In addition to our Lifeline staff listed above, we have trained educational therapists across the United States who tutor students in person or online.
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Bridge School Program

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