Domestic Adoption

Lifeline is here to support you as you seek to raise a child in a Christian home and minister to his or her birth family.


Every child needs a forever family who will point them and their birth family to Christ.

All people are made in the image of God and are valuable. Because of this, we know both birth family and baby are in need of gospel hope.

When an expectant mother chooses adoption for her child, Lifeline helps her as she chooses a family that will care for the child spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and physically , and who will also honor the birth family. When an expectant mother chooses to parent, Lifeline helps to connect her with tangible resources and tools, as they walk her through the gospel.

Abortion permanently ends the relationship.

The Benefits of Open Adoption

Walking with You Before, During, and After Adoption

How to Learn More

How to Fund Your Adoption

One of the biggest hesitations families express as they approach adoption is the financial cost. Lifeline is here to support you as you take the next step in faith. Find out more about our Hope Adoption Fund scholarship below. For more help, visit our resources page.


Commonly Asked Questions

As you consider adoption, there may be many questions that come to mind. Take a look at some of our commonly asked questions below.