
Change One Life | Gwyn Family Story

Kevin and Ansley Gwyn’s adoption story is a reminder that the challenging battles we face are gospel work.


Kevin and Ansley began pursuing adoption through Lifeline’s India program and were soon matched with a little boy named Sahil. As the Gwyns neared their adoption date, our Lifeline team learned that Sahil had become dangerously ill. He was in the hospital, fighting for his life. Armed with this unexpected and tragic news, the Gwyns knew they must fight for his life. In the span of four days, and through the intervention of God’s great providence, travel visas were granted, airfare was purchased, and Ansley and Kevin were in India at the bedside of their son.


Through many grueling weeks, miracles continued as the Gwyns finalized their adoption and were able to fly their son back to the States and transport him to a hospital close to home. As Sahil continued to heal, the process of adoption was finalized so that he left the hospital as Caleb Gwyn. Caleb’s recovery has been nothing short of miraculous. His story reminds us that we have a God who is fighting for us. 

Gwyn Family Photo

Without men and women like the Gywns taking obedient steps of faith, children like Caleb would remain in desperate places with unmet needs. But the good news of adoption is that Caleb has a family, a home, and parents to teach him the truth of the gospel–God’s great, redemptive love on the cross for Caleb’s life and your life. Lifeline needs your help to continue serving children like Caleb Gwyn.  Lifeline needs partners who see and value each and every life. 


We need your continued support to serve marginalized children, to walk alongside women in unplanned pregnancy, to train foster families who can provide safe homes for children in need of refuge, and to find families for children languishing around the world. Even through uncertainty, lives are being changed, gospel work is being done, and it is making an eternal impact on the Kingdom.


Will you pray and seek the Lord for how you can join Lifeline in making an impact for the gospel of Jesus by changing one life? Thank you for being available and standing in the gap.