
A Future Legacy

Adam Rhoades and his wife Heather are parents to five children, all of whom came home through international adoption. The Rhoades came to know Lifeline during their third adoption, from Ukraine. Throughout that adoption process, Adam, a business owner, developed relationship with Lifeline and came to have a “tremendous love” for the organization.

 As Adam’s business continued to grow and bring financial success, he recognized a desire to utilize those financial resources for Kingdom growth even after his and Heather’s lives on earth are over. As a result, they decided to plan for the donation of their financial resources after death through trusts and their wills.

For Adam, setting up planned giving to include Lifeline was an easy decision. Two of the contributing factors for the decision to give to Lifeline are what he considers a “vigilant adherence to the gospel” and “a tremendous respect for how it’s run, administered, supervised, and audited.” And, he should know. As a member of Lifeline’s National Board of Directors, Adam has seen firsthand how Lifeline goes the extra mile to steward every gift well. planning their future giving in this way, the Rhoades are able to live out their core values of good stewardship and Great Commission work, even when their lives on earth are over. Adam noted that a wise man once told him, “A regret is only a core value not lived out.” He did not want to live with the regret of not preparing his family’s resources to be part of God’s work, so he set up a plan now for future stewardship. Adam recognizes that planned giving is not only for those whom God has blessed with extensive resources. He explains, “Planned giving applies to everyone. God was just as excited about the widow who gave a penny as the bazillionare who can give 100 million dollars. If you don’t have a net worth, you probably have life insurance or something to pass on. The question we can ask is ‘What do I want to steward for the Kingdom, no matter if it’s $5 or $50 million.’” Adam knows many people who have made charities like Lifeline the beneficiary of their life insurance policies. Planned giving, as Adam says, is not about the amount as much as it is about planning your stewardship.

Learn more about leaving a legacy through planned giving by contacting Clifton Sellers at [email protected] or 205-967-0811.