Older youth in foster care face significant challenges as they reach the age at which they must transition to independent living.

Through Heritage Builders, Lifeline pledges to help prepare churches to minister to this highly-vulnerable population, both practically and spiritually.




Without intervention, youth leave the foster care system with little or no positive adult support, limited knowledge of basic life skills, and limited resources. These factors paint a despairing future, with high percentages of unplanned pregnancies, school dropouts, becoming victims of child trafficking, abuse of their future children, and chronic homelessness.


God’s church is uniquely positioned to provide relational intervention at a pivotal stage in the youths’ lives. These relationships build up the person and remove obstacles to living on their own, ultimately pointing each youth to Christ. The need is great, but it is not overwhelming when the church activates its members.


Heritage Builders is committed to equipping local churches to meet the needs of older youth who have been abandoned, abused, and are now languishing in the system. This partnership helps ensure adolescents age out well by empowering churches to:

  • Advocate in one-on-one relationships
  • Provide life-readiness trainings
  • Serve as a connection to resources

When the church becomes involved in the lives of youth during these critical years, the door opens for us to introduce the hope of Christ, demonstrate His love, and encourage them to pursue a path lined with promise.


Without intervention, youth leave the foster care system with little or no positive adult support, limited knowledge of basic life skills, and limited resources. These factors paint a despairing future, with high percentages of unplanned pregnancies, school dropouts, becoming victims of child trafficking, abuse of their future children, and chronic homelessness.


God’s church is uniquely positioned to provide relational intervention at a pivotal stage in the youths’ lives. These relationships build up the person and remove obstacles to living on their own, ultimately pointing each youth to Christ. The need is great, but it is not overwhelming when the church activates its members.


Heritage Builders is committed to equipping local churches to meet the needs of older youth who have been abandoned, abused, and are now languishing in the system. This partnership helps ensure adolescents age out well by empowering churches to:

  • Advocate in one-on-one relationships
  • Provide life-readiness trainings
  • Serve as a connection to resources

When the church becomes involved in the lives of youth during these critical years, the door opens for us to introduce the hope of Christ, demonstrate His love, and encourage them to pursue a path lined with promise.

How It Works:

Together, Lifeline and the Church can answer God’s call to care for these older children who are beloved by God.

Next Steps

Learn More

Find out how to implement this program in your church.

Educate your Church

Make the need and the opportunity known to your local church body.

Engage with Lifeline

Reach out to your local Lifeline team to begin implementation

Contact Us

Heritage Builders Upcoming Trainings