Serving Guatemala Through Lifeline

Guatemala, a small country located in Central America, is home to over 16 million people and over 500,000 orphans. Roughly the size of the state of Alabama, Guatemala is a beautiful country with an active volcano, diverse geography, and ample opportunity for the Church to engage with vulnerable children.


About our Partner

In Guatemala, Global Orphan Care partners with Iniciativas de Alcance, the orphan care initiative of Reforma Church. This ministry started in 2017 as a response to the needs of adoptive and foster families in the congregation for support and the needs of vulnerable children to have families.

Program Focus

Leading mentorship programs which provide clinical training for caregivers nationwide and helps other local churches in Latin America to create a culture of care from biblical and gospel perspective.

Creating an evidence-based training curriculum with a Gospel focus to create awareness and train up God’s people to care for the vulnerable and abused.

Developing specific policies and tools as a way for the church to become involved in orphan care in a sustainable, healthy way.

Implementing a replicable process with a trustworthy methodology to mobilize God’s people in service, care, and empowerment of vulnerable communities.

Other Ways to Get Involved

What's Happening in Guatemala


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