Every time a woman walks into the offices of Lifeline Children’s Services seeking to understand the options for her unexpected pregnancy, we are overcome at her strength, love, and desire to make the very best plans for her child. We have been honored to walk part of this journey with many beautiful women.
Throughout these journeys, we have witnessed their great care and sacrifices made during pregnancy; the incredible pain and determination of delivery; and the overflowing love of a mother’s first, long look at her child. We have also listened to the fears of bringing a child into a life of suffering—under the weight of current circumstances such as poverty, absence of the child’s father, lack of emotional support, harmful relationships, and more.
Yet, in the face of these challenges, women continue to bravely choose to dream of a world with their children in it, and we know that they do this out of a deep love for their precious sons and daughters and the belief that these little lives have value.
In the same way, it is our privilege to not only affirm that each child has value, but that each mother’s life, too, is of infinite value because she is made in the image of God. Due to life circumstances, she may feel as though she falls outside of the blessings and promises of God that others seem to claim so easily for themselves. Trauma of the past and present may have given her the incorrect perspective that she is a prisoner of whatever life happens to throw at her.
She may have received messages through abuse and neglect that communicated, “I hate you.” or “You don’t even exist.” Due to poverty or a lack of support, she may feel as though she has no voice—no way to express her needs and her fears. Society’s response to her skin color or cultural traditions may leave her feeling despised to the very core of her identity. The combination of these experiences ultimately may communicate one resounding message to her: rejection.
We at Lifeline Children’s Services want these women to know that they are deeply loved, not only by us but also by their Creator, because they are His creation and because He desires a relationship with them. God stooped low to come in human form—in a body that suffered—and His death demonstrates that every human life matters immeasurably to God. Jesus was misunderstood, rejected, homeless, unjustly arrested, abused, stripped of his clothing, and ultimately killed. Yet, He rose from the dead, showing us the abundant life that is available to us, through Him.
In Christ, no human life is worthless, whether a child in his mother’s womb or the mother who is scared. In Christ, the women we serve are not rejected. They are loved, seen, and heard. They belong. They are valuable.