
Manipulation and Control

“You’re not the boss of me,” is a childhood declaration of mine that now lives in family infamy. Growing up I longed for independence, and this announcement was my way


INGRATITUDE Gratitude comes easier to some of us because of life lessons and experiences. It is a virtue that is cultivated over time, over a life span. However, many children


When I ask families newly home with their child how they are adjusting, they will often state, almost as an apology, “All we do is play, we are just playing”. 


Technology, social media, social networking sites, the internet; those words carry a lot of weight in our society and have brought significant change in how we do most everything in


  WHAT IT IS AND WHAT IT IS NOT The term “cocooning “ has been applied to a number of different disciplines from social science, marketing, economic forecasting to parenting.


Self-Care! Are you kidding me?  Who has time for self-care? Have you seen my “to do” list?  Do you know my schedule of school events, extracurricular activities, medical appointments, and


Self-soothing behaviors in children and adolescents from hard places can be confusing and the range of parental responses to such behaviors can be vast.  Some families look at this behavior

Summer Fun

Great memories were triggered as we cut into the first watermelon of the summer season. Memories from childhood which meant days without schedules, sleeping in late and staying outside playing

Food Anxiety

FOOD ANXIETY Most of us eat at least three meals a day but if you are like me, there are multiple snacks in between.  That’s a lot of time spent


Touch plays a very important part of developing attachment and bringing healing to our children who have experienced less than optimum beginnings.  It was discovered in the early 19th century

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