Let us partner with you to help further the gospel to the vulnerable.

James 1:27 is clear in it’s call for the believer to care for the orphaned and vulnerable child. 

We know that as Christians, we have all been adopted by our Heavenly Father. Adoption is a beautiful picture of the gospel on earth that points us back toward Christ. In Psalm 68, David tells us that God sets the lonely in families. We want the children we serve to have forever families, but more than that, we want them to know the truth of the gospel.

Our focus remains on an eternity with Christ for the child and the parent, and we believe a gospel-centered family is an amazing window to their salvation. Our desire is to come alongside Christian missional families with resources they will need to find and nurture their children, as they become disciples who make disciples.

Oklahoma Children’s Services
Oklahoma Children’s Services
A few ways Lifeline serves Oklahoma and Oklahoma Churches
International Adoption

If you sense God’s leading to grow your family through international adoption, we encourage you to pre-apply today or schedule a call with one of our adoption specialists. It would be our honor to guide you through each step of your adoption journey.

Church Initiatives

Use these church-centered initiatives to make an eternal impact in the lives of the vulnerable. Built for your church body, young and old, these initiatives will help bring the needs of the orphan to light in your church.

Pregnancy Counseling

We’ll help you explore your options with a goal of balance in what’s best for you and your child. Several qualities make us a unique option for expectant moms like you.

Education & Post-Adoption Support

Does your child struggle with working memory, visual or auditory processing, social skills, attention, critical thinking, or communicating ideas? Lifeline sees how many schools create a standardized approach to learning, and that might not be the best fit for your child from hard places. As you try to help your child reach their educational potential, you may be feeling frustrated, and at times, hopeless. But there is hope! We not only serve the God of hope, but our God has allowed science in a 21st Century approach to help us know that our brains can change.

Global Orphan Care

While adoption is a beautiful response to God’s command to care for the fatherless, the large majority of children considered orphans will never be adopted. Various factors like age, special needs, and life and country circumstances often cause children to remain vulnerable. These children face vulnerability to sexual exploitation, drug abuse, and slavery. Many end up unprepared for adulthood and have no knowledge of a Heavenly Father who loves them.

Pregnant? Considering Adoption?

We’ll help you explore your options with a goal of balance in what’s best for you and your child. Several qualities make us a unique option for expectant moms like you.

  • Personal advocate who represents your interests, not those of the adoptive family.
  • Freedom to consider all your pregnancy options.
  • Decision making at your own pace.
  • Adoptive families who are committed and prepared to honor you.
  • “You first” approach to adoption planning.
  • We exist to provide you with hope and peace through all-inclusive adoption care.
  • We believe you are not giving up your baby, but making a loving plan.

Engage Your Church

The Church is “Plan A” for glorifying God, making disciples, and spreading His name to the nations, and there are many ways that, as Christ’s Bride, the Church accomplishes this mission. Throughout the narrative of Scripture, God has consistently commanded His people to care for the vulnerable as a way of demonstrating His character and His gospel to the world. We believe that every Christ-follower has a role to care for orphans, widows, and the defenseless as an avenue to proclaim the gospel.

Our Staff

Sarah Keywood
Senior Manager / State Case Work Supervisor
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