
Lifeline Children’s Services Will Move to New International Headquarters


Thursday, April 21, 2022

Contact: [email protected]

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. — Lifeline Children’s Services is set to move into its new international headquarters at the end of next month. The 66,000 sq. ft. facility was gifted to Lifeline as the new International Headquarters. One-third of that space, 22,000 sq. ft., is dedicated for Lifeline’s own use with an additional 8,000 sq. ft. of the building being used as a shared space for meetings and conferences. Additionally, the new facility will have leasable office space for other businesses and organizations. The construction is outfitting the second floor and common space for long-term ministry, including an education and counseling suite.

“Lifeline was born in Birmingham 41 years ago. This facility provides a permanent location for a ministry that now has offices in 16 states and 23 nations around the world. Much of that ministry is resourced and sustained by the central office here in Birmingham. This ministry center helps to expand that national and international ministry with a stable foundation as well as to grow our ministry presence right here in Alabama,” said Lifeline Children’s Ministry Vice President of Engagement Dr. Rick Morton. The facility will include a state-of-the-art counseling suite that will serve families through therapy, family support, and educational therapy. It will also include space to host various trainings, conferences, and ministry events in person and stream to national and global audiences.

“We had run out of space with Lifeline’s rapid expansion over the past couple of years. We’ve become the largest evangelical child-placing agency in the U.S., and this new building secures the future of Lifeline by providing space for growth along with increased efficiency and opportunity for ministry here and around the world,” said Lifeline Children’s Services President and Executive Director Herbie Newell. “ We are very excited for the impact we will be able to make as we partner with the local Birmingham community, and the church both domestically and internationally.”

Lifeline Children’s Services is the largest Evangelical Christian adoption agency in America, with offices in 16 states. It serves vulnerable children and families through private domestic and international adoption, family restoration, and pregnancy counseling.

While Lifeline is not affiliated with any denomination, it was created to support pregnancy counseling and adoption work in 1981 by Briarwood Presbyterian Church of Birmingham, Alabama. Lifeline’s headquarters remain in Birmingham. In 2000, Lifeline expanded its ministry to international adoption, starting in China. Each year, additional countries have been added, and now Lifeline is presently involved in 18 countries.


Press Release Apr 2022

To learn more about supporting this project and naming opportunities, please contact Clifton Sellers at 334-494-2767.