(un)adopted® exists to manifest the gospel to orphaned and vulnerable children. God has given (un)adopted® the desire to see these children reached with the hope of the gospel and equipped with the life skills needed to bring about community transformation. What we have seen over and over again is that when we are faithful to do what God has called us to do, He transforms lives!
In Uganda, (un)adopted® partners with King Jesus Church, who runs a school for deaf and blind children. In this community, deaf or blind children are considered outcasts in society, curses to their families. Kenneth was one of these children. Kenneth was born deaf and was immediately shunned by his family and, most of all, his father. Kenneth grew up feeling that he had done something wrong, that he was worthless and would never amount to anything. His father cared for Kenneth’s siblings, but virtually disowned Kenneth because of his disability and the curse associated with deafness. By the age of 16, Kenneth was viewed as lazy and worthless by all those around him but, in actuality, was a young man with no purpose and no drive for life. It was around this time that Kenneth’s mother learned of the Busega School for the Deaf and Blind. Kenneth was brought into the school on a “trial” basis, as his mother did not think he would be able to learn or last in the school environment.
What we have seen the Lord do in Kenneth’s life over the last four years is nothing short of a miracle. As Kenneth began school, his family, friends and school leaders noticed a significant change in Kenneth; he had truly come alive! Kenneth started learning sign language, was cared for, and was told that he had value. Kenneth came to know who the Lord is and began a relationship with Him not long after starting school. Kenneth has emerged as a leader at the school—taking on many responsibilities and showing other new students that they, too, are created uniquely with purpose and are loved by their Heavenly Father. As he continues to grow in his faith, Kenneth’s mother, family members, and all who know Kenneth have been impacted by his transformation and his faith!
Kenneth, now 22, is starting an apprenticeship class in (un)adopted’s textile center connected with the Busega School. He will be a part of our first class of students who are learning skills that will enable them to thrive in life as they launched out on their own. As (un)adopted® continues to come alongside our partner King Jesus Church and equip them to manifest the gospel to orphaned and vulnerable children, we are so excited to see how the Lord will continue to use Kenneth to impact those around him, and to bring about community transformation!
You, too, can be a part of impacting lives like Kenneth’s for eternity! You can partner with us through giving, participating in trips, or volunteering. Learn more about (un)adopted® and how you can be part of changing lives at lifelinechild.org