Country: Kyrgyzstan Adoption

Age Range: 6 years and older
Sibling Groups: Yes
Medical Special Needs: Moderate to Significant
Marriage Length: 1 year
Single Women: Yes
Expat Accepted: Yes
In-Country Travel: 36-40 days

We are currently seeing families matched with children 6-8 years old or older with institutional and developmental delays. We also  occasionally see families matched with sibling groups with a range of ages and medical special needs.

Families are able to learn about children on the waiting child portal. Many waiting children will be older or have more significant medical special needs. Many families may be considered for one child. The official match is made by the Ministry of Social Development in Kyrgyzstan.

The process of adopting from Kyrgyzstan is estimated to take approximately 12-24 months years and depends on a family’s openness to age range, medical special needs and sibling groups.

Families will travel to Kyrgyzstan for approximately 40 days to complete their adoption. The trip consists of a gradual bonding time, court appointment and visa paperwork. Lifeline has an amazing team in country who walk alongside families each step of the way and provide support during the stay in Kyrgyzstan. Lifeline’s team provides translation and guide services during the stay.

About Kyrgyzstan

Lifeline has had an adoption program in Kyrgyzstan since May 2014 and has had a very strong and positive start in this adoption program. Kyrgyzstan allows families the opportunity to pursue adoption of children with significant medical and developmental special needs as well as children with more minor special needs. Lifeline's Kyrgyzstan team has developed strong relationships with the Ministry of Social Development.

The Need

The main cause for children becoming orphans in Kyrgyzstan and being placed in an orphanage is poverty and general economic situation.

How You Can Help

Lifeline works diligently to prepare families for children with minor to significant medical and developmental special needs so that when they are offered a match, they will be ready for any challenges that might lie ahead.

Other Ways to Get Involved
Other Ways to Get Involved



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