
Pray for India

One of the ways you can get involved in India is to begin praying for the needs that are present there. Check back occasionally to see an updated list of prayer requests for this country.

Prayer Points

Pray for the Lord to bring forward new mission-minded Christian families to pursue adoption from India that the children can be loved and discipled in forever families.

Pray for the families who have answered the call to adopt from India and are currently waiting. May they be strengthened and encouraged throughout their process. Pray for each family who is working hard to be matched with their child/ children. Pray for peace & endurance, and that they’d use this time intentionally to prepare their families for what’s to come.  

Pray for post adoptive families who are caring for and ministering to their children from India. Ask the Lord to bless their bonding and attachment, and for discipleship opportunities to continue. 

Pray for the children waiting to be adopted from India. May the Lord offer them his comfort and peace and they wait for a family to pursue them. 

Pray for the caregivers in the foster homes, group homes, and orphanages who are serving the waiting children. Ask for consideration and care as they are pouring into the children. 

Pray for the church in India to be bold and steadfast. Pray that the Lord would raise up national Pastors and that the church would grow, even in the midst of persecution. 

Pray that the Lord would continue to ignite the hearts of believers in India to care for orphans and widows. Pray specifically for our India representative, and his family as they seek to encourage local believers to care for the fatherless through family-based care. 

Pray for India’s Central Authority over adoptions, CARA, that they would continue to make decisions in the best interest of children and that many children in India would continue to be placed in loving, Gospel-centered families. 

Pray for continued blessings over Lifeline’s relationship with CARA staff and for continued open doors for children to be placed with Gospel centered forever families. 

Pray for God to continue to provide the right Gospel-centered families for these children who are in need of families. 

Pray for our team in the US as they serve families and continue to grow the India program… Josh, Karla, Morgan, Brooke, Toria, Merrill, Holli, Mallory, Olivia 

Pray for our representatives, as they coordinate families’ travel to India.

India is the country with the largest number of orphans in the world. Pray that these children would be reached with the hope of the Gospel and that they would be used as active agents of redemption in this nation. 

Only 2.2% of India’s population professes Christianity, and almost 95% is unreached. Pray for the Gospel to go forth in these areas where it has not yet been proclaimed. Pray for people’s hearts to be softened to the Gospel and that India would become a nation full of people who fear the Lord and serve Him faithfully. 

Pray for God to give Lifeline wisdom as we discern how God is leading us to strategically be involved in the work that He is doing throughout India. 

Praise the Lord that we are nearing our 70th child coming home from India! 

Praise for the connections the Lord has given us through STEPS home in Chennai and Krupa Ministries in Bangalore… Along with the many connections He continues to provide with (un)adopted.