
Celebrating Lifeline’s Counselors

Since April is Counseling Awareness Month, it is a great time to celebrate our wonderful counselors at Lifeline! Our counseling team exists to support adoptive families, foster families, and others with a variety of techniques that are filtered through a biblical worldview. This work is not just for a season – our counselors aim to empower and support a family over a lifetime.  

Kemonia Brown, also known as “Moe,” is one of our compassionate and diligent counselors. Let’s learn a little more about her and her ministry!  

What led you to start working at Lifeline?  

I absolutely love Lifeline’s mission to serve vulnerable children and families.  

What do you wish people knew about counseling?  

Counseling can be such a wonderful resource for vulnerable children and families. Counseling is not a quick fix, but a journey of healing and finding peace.  

What kind of people would benefit from counseling?  

Everyone could benefit from counseling, but it is especially beneficial for individuals experiencing trauma or difficult life circumstances.  

What is the most rewarding part of your job?  

I love walking alongside clients and seeing true growth and change come from counseling.  

What is the most difficult part?  

It is difficult seeing families struggle and feeling hopeless.  

In what ways is counseling a ministry to you?  

I truly believe counseling is my calling from the Lord. It is very fulfilling to walk alongside clients during their darkest days.  

When you aren’t at Lifeline, what can you be found doing?  

I love exercising and walking my fur baby, Brenton! 

 Thank you, Lifeline counselors! Click here to learn more about Lifeline’s counseling services.