Lifeline is an adoption referral partner you can trust!

With over 41 years of experience serving women in unexpected pregnancies, we are a partner you can trust.

Lifeline Offers:

  • Options Counseling: Free, confidential, and no-pressure services to help a woman decide if adoption is right for her and her baby.
  • Separate Advocates: Any woman considering the option of adoption is given her own pregnancy counselor to help her think through each of her options and empower her to make the decision SHE thinks is best for her family.
  • Timely Connection: The Lifeline pregnancy counseling team is available 24-7 to serve women considering adoption and can be easily reached through a quick text or call: 800-875-5595.
  • Vetted Families: Prospective adoptive parents with Lifeline are Christian families who have been thoroughly evaluated, educated, and prepared. 
  • Peace of Mind: When you connect women to Lifeline, you know they will be cared for in a birth-mother-centered environment that acts ethically, legally, and excellently. 
  • Free Resources and Expertise: We offer Lifeline’s experience and expertise in domestic adoption to you and your staff, including print materials, videos, and customized trainings.
  • Training: The Lifeline pregnancy counseling team would love to facilitate trainings for your staff on the topic of adoption. 
  • Personal Contacts: We are a quick phone call away when you serve a woman who is interested in adoption and for those who have CPS involvement.
  • Shared Values: Lifeline values life, the gospel, and caring for women through and beyond their pregnancy and adoption journey.

Let’s partner together.

Hear Amanda’s Story…

We would love to provide a free consultation to equip your center and team to be adoption friendly.

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