Fostering Hope
A program run by Lifeline Children’s Services that assists churches in growing their foster care ministries and sharing the gospel with vulnerable children and families in your neighborhood.
Fostering Hope Exists to Help You and Your Church Bring Hope to Children Right in Your Community.
400,000+ Children in State Care in the United States
With the number of children in foster care increasing, it’s difficult to know where to begin. Fostering Hope is a ministry designed to resource the church to equip Christian families to become licensed foster parents.
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Resources Included:
Foster Parenting from a Biblical Worldview
Most foster parent education and training provides good information on caring for the child, but is often from a secular worldview. This curriculum set of 5 videos is designed to help foster families filter the training they have received through a biblical worldview and center their care on the gospel.
WRAP Team Recruitment and Training Guide
A beginner’s guide for churches on how to surround, support, and care for foster families as an extension of ministry to vulnerable children.
Sermon Help & Promotional Materials
Resources to help present foster care to the church, including: a sermon outline, bulletin insert, and PowerPoint slides to share with your congregation about the needs in your community.
Foster Care Informational Meeting Powerpoint
Educating your church on foster care ministry requires action steps. This info meeting outline helps a ministry leader do an in-depth overview of ways that church members can get involved. This powerpoint is customizable to fit your church’s needs.
Outreach to Child Welfare Authorities
A 12-month guide to help your church care for your local child welfare office. Includes a prayer guide and tangible action steps.
CEU Recordings
Foster parents are required to obtain a certain number of continued education units (CEUs) per year to maintain their license. These videos can be watched individually or as a group. The foster parent can receive a CEU certificate after completing the course.
Families Count
A program to mobilize the local church to bring the gospel to at-risk families and families seeking reunification from state care.
Foster and Adoptive Parent Connect Guide
Connecting with other adoptive and foster parents creates a space to build relationships, offer advice, and share the journey. This free guide provides all needed components to to start an adoption and foster parent connection group. Included: Suggestions for group format, supplies needed, a confidentiality agreement, group evaluations, facilitator outlines, and printable worksheets for participants.
Foster Parent Night Out
This document outlines key ways to add this refreshing component to your church’s ministry. This event is a dedicated time where families can bring their children to the church so that they can have time to themselves to be emotionally, physically, and spiritually refilled.
Equipped to Love
This 6-session curriculum is designed to help individuals in your church learn how to understand the needs of foster and adoptive families in your church and provide them with practical support. Topics in this training include: caring for families, interacting appropriately with children with compromised beginnings of life, demonstrating sensitivity for adoptive and foster parents, understanding the unique needs of children from hard places, exhibiting language sensitivity, and managing behavior.
Identify Foster Families in Your Church
This resource provides ways to help you identify foster families in your congregation.