
This morning, in a 5-4 decision, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of the immediate implementation of Texas’ Heartbeat Bill – SB 8. This decision solidly makes 85-90% of all abortions in the State of Texas illegal, banning all abortions after the 6th week of pregnancy. Quantitatively, this means 150 children a day will be saved in the state of Texas.

Though not the complete ban on abortion we have hoped for, the implementation of Texas’ law paves the way to bringing a legal end to abortion and making the womb a safer place in the U.S.

Another pending case from Mississippi is currently before the U.S. Supreme Court which hopefully will solidify the reversal of Roe vs. Wade and usher in policies where every life created in the Image of God is protected. With these events unfolding, we must mobilize the Body of Christ to be ready to meet the needs of women and children with Biblical truth, open arms, compassion, and active concern.

If we believe the fight for life has been won in legislatures and courtrooms, but fail to mobilize as an army of hope to women in need, then our wins are hollow at best.

These monumental moments in history have been complicated by former Christ-centered, gospel-laden pregnancy and adoption service ministries surrendering to worldly culture. Ministries that have been our friends and peers, who have labored beside us in caring for vulnerable women and children, have succumbed to cultural pressures and abandoned Biblical truth.

As lines are being drawn in the sand against the headwinds of cultural surrender, Lifeline remains steadfast in our commitment to equip the Body of Christ to manifest the Biblical gospel to vulnerable birth parents and their children. With resolve and fewer peers to join forces with, Lifeline will continue to provide Christ-centered support to women as they make live-giving choices in the best interests of both mother and child.

As ministries abandon their work and convictions, Lifeline must fill the void. We are initiating a 50-state pregnancy counseling strategy to bring the hope of the gospel to birth parents in crisis – WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT as we exponentially expand to provide crucial ministry at such a critical point in time.

Lifeline needs IMMEDIATE financial support so we can respond to birth parents in underserved areas, so we can daily provide counsel to the 150 women in Texas who will now be choosing life. In addition, your support helps us continue multiplying our efforts by equipping churches to stand in the gap for women and children.

Please consider a monthly or one-time gift to join us in the quest to take the gospel to the vulnerable and to protect the unborn in such a pivotal time in our nation’s history!

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