We are currently seeing families match with children under 8 years old with moderate to significant medical needs. We also see families match with children 8 years or older with or without medical special needs as well as sibling groups varying in number and age.
Families are able to learn about children from their case worker or on the waiting child portal. Many waiting children on the portal will be older, larger sibling groups, or younger children with moderate to significant medical special needs. Families can submit a letter to Brazil with intent to pursue a specific child at any point in their process. If a family chooses not to submit a letter of intent they have the possibility to be directly matched by the central authority. All matches occur after a dossier is registered and approved.
The process of adopting from Brazil is estimated to take approximately 1-3 or more years and depends on a family’s openness to age range, special needs and sibling groups.
Families will travel to Brazil for approximately six to eight weeks to complete their adoption. The trip consists of a 30-day bonding period, court process, and visa paperwork. Lifeline has a long standing relationship with the in-country attorneys who facilitate each step of the families’ processes. These attorneys also provide support, translation and guide services during the stay in Brazil.
Lifeline has been working in Brazil since 2013! The central authority in Brazil is ACAF, which monitors the adoption process and agency licensing. In each state in Brazil, there is a local central authority office that oversees adoptive family processes and child welfare. Lifeline has a strong adoption program in Brazil!
There are approximately over 205 million people currently living in Brazil, with approximately 58 million children. With diverse regions and people groups, the country is working to improve issues that affect their children such as poverty, infant mortality, orphaned children, and homelessness.
Lifeline is advocating for children by partnering with the local government to find forever families for children who are eligible for adoption. Families open to adoption large sibling groups, older children or children with moderate to significant medical special needs are a great fit for the Brazil adoption program!
One of the ways you can get involved in Brazil is to begin praying for the needs that are present there. Check back occasionally to see an updated list of
Brazil can be an amazing program for families who welcome stability in the process and who are being led to be a forever family for children from various racial and ethnic diversities. Brazil may also be a perfect program for families interested...
One of the great aspects of our Defender podcast is the ability for you to hear directly from our staff about updates or changes going on in their areas of ministry. If you are a family who is interested in international adoption,...
CELEBRATING YOUR CHILD’S BIRTH COUNTRY AT CHRISTMAS As the holidays begin to draw near, opportunities will come to help families celebrate a child’s birth country in special ways. Acknowledging a